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ADOPT-A-DOG with Doc Abel!

Give a home, save a life, Adopt a dog today!

Dogs are one of the best stress-relievin companions a person can ask for especially for during moments when we are isolated, stressed out, or tired of our day-to-day life. Many of you have always dreamt of being a fur owner! However, rather than buying a dog why not just adopt one?

      Hundreds of dogs each year are displaced and rescued or rehomed due to unfortunate circumtances. This heart-wrenching situation has urged us to launch the ICGD Adopt A Dog Partnership Project. The International Canine Databases has partnered with several non-profit organization to the on the mission of finding the perfect family for the homeless dogs kept in shelters all over the country. This initiative will not only help save dogs but also raise awareness of valuing our animals friends.

      Be the love, joy, and hope for the neglected, pain-stricken, and abandoned animals.